Photo by Jude Beck on UnsplashSo it’s finally happening. You’ve managed to get the time off work, travelled to this wonderful destination, and you’re on holiday! All you want to do is enjoy the place, the special people you’re with, and this moment…. you’re just starting to relax into it and….. “Bing!” you find yourself thinking about work. Maybe something […]
How Mindfulness Boosts Resilience
Faced with pressure, challenge and change, people’s stress response can easily kick in, making them rigid, inflexible and irritable. Sustained over time, the result is anxiety, depression and burnout. This is a growing issue for us in the modern world: in the UK, for example, more than 50% of sick-days are now due to such illnesses. […]
Achieve more by doing 20% less!
Jane spends her life on the road – covering 26,000 miles per year selling technical services products to companies around the UK. With so much ground to cover, she’s always been a rush, driving as fast as she can get away with. Caught in slow traffic? She would “Drive up close behind the car in […]
Leaving The Office On Time
November 5th – here in the UK it’s “Bonfire Night,” an evening of festivity and fireworks. So lots of us will be thinking, “How can I get away from the office on time, even though there’s too much to do?” One option is to simply try and cram it all in. But today is also […]
Listening to Life
Have you ever been talking to someone, and had the experience that they’re not really listening to you? Maybe they’re busy thinking their own thoughts, or distracted and daydreaming. How do you feel when that happens? The weird thing is, we do this to ourselves all the time. We’re doing one thing, but thinking of […]
The Power of a Positive No
What do you do when you’ve got too much to do? You can work your tail off and get it all done (but at a cost to health, relationships and happiness in general). Or you can fall behind (and let people down). Its not a great choice, is it? So let’s step back and see […]