Welcome to this resources page for the “Brief Mindfulness” course.
Pre-Course Material
- Course Introduction – 4 pages on what to expect from this course, including why Mindfulness is so relevant to the modern world, the kind of difference it can make, and what Brief Mindfulness is. You can download it here.
Course Manual
- At the workshop you’ll receive a printed copy, but you’re welcome to take a look at the Course Manual in advance if you’d like to.
Targeted Mindfulness Worksheet
- You’re always welcome to print more copies of the Targeted Mindfulness Worksheet
Background Material
- “Alive at Work!” – This free 9 page download introduces you to Brief Mindfulness in a work context. It’s based around 3 short examples of Brief Mindfulness in action – how Ed, Alicia and Keith handle a high stakes meeting, an interdepartmental conflict and a bank robbery! You’ll learn 3 ways to reduce stress, that increase enjoyment, boost effectiveness and take less than a minute. You’ll find it here
- The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris is an excellent introductory book on Mindfulness – it’s fun, vivid and practical. (Brief Mindfulness draws significantly on the ACT approach that this book is based on.) Here’s the amazon link.
- Russ Harris on You Tube talks about mindfulness in a very natural and down to earth way in this interview.
- Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World – another excellent and readable introductory book, by Professor Mark Williams of Oxford University. Here’s the amazon link.