Do you have a busy life, with lots of different demands on your time? Would you like to reduce stress, find more enjoyment, and become more focused and effective?
On this page you'll find two free resources that will help: "5 Ways to Reduce Stress in Less Than a Minute" and "Alive at Work!"
5 Ways to Reduce Stress in Less Than a Minute
In today's world of high pressure and constant change, a certain level of stress is inevitable - it's the brain's natural response. But when it gets out of hand, it causes impaired concentration, muscle tension, irritability, loss of sleep and so on. Sustained over time, it causes digestive problems, lowered immune function, loss of libido, mental health problems and even heart disease and cancer.
But we're so busy, it's hard to find the time to even have lunch, let alone relax and unwind.
Free Email Course
That's where "5 ways to reduce stress in less than a minute" comes in. It's a free course that starts with a series of brief daily emails, giving you quick and easy ways to reduce stress. That's followed with a series of (more-or-less) weekly email tips, mini-case studies, and occasional information about paid courses that will help you take this further. It's all about helping you keep your stress levels under control, even on the busiest day - so you can focus more effectively, get better results with colleagues, finish work with more energy left over, and even sleep better at night.
"I enjoyed this course - great awareness-raising, resulting in substantial stress reduction"
Doug Williamson, Chartered Accountant, Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.
To start the course right away, just leave your name and email below:
To start receiving "5 Ways to Reduce Stress in Less than a Minute", enter your details here:
Privacy guarantee: 1 or 2 emails per week. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address is never shared. (More details in the privacy policy at the bottom of the page).
Alive at Work
"Alive at Work” is a mini eBook and a series of emails. The eBook is just 9 pages long, but includes 3 case studies, 3 Mindfulness principles, and 3 ways you can start reducing stress in less than a minute!
In the case studies, you’ll read about how Mindfulness has helped people in some very real situations. Ed was facing a meeting with $24,000 of his own money on the line. Alicia was dealing with masses of red tape and inter-departmental conflict. Keith had just been called to a bank robbery!
The emails are a series of carefully crafted stories and tips. They also include information about paid courses. All this is to give you more ways to reduce stress, while boosting enjoyment and effectiveness.
"I find your emails compelling – brief, coherent, relevant."
Jeremy Peters, Head of Corporate Communications, NHS Property Services.
To receive "Alive at Work" eBook and emails, free of charge, just leave your email address below and click on "subscribe now."

To get "Alive at Work" eBook and emails, fill in your email and click “Subscribe Now:"
Privacy guarantee: 1 or 2 emails per week. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address is never shared. (More details in the privacy policy at the bottom of the page).