Mindfulness is really catching on the UK – even at government level. Last week I found myself in the Houses of Parliament, at a “round table” meeting on the future of Mindfulness in the workplace.
We heard evidence, case studies and success stories from Cranfield University, CaptialOne, GlaxoSmithKline and others. I was particularly pleased to hear about the ongoing successes at Transport for London – they’ve been using mindfulness for some years, and they’re seeing a 50% reduction in stress-related absence.
But my favourite story was from Lord Stone of Blackheath (aren’t English names wonderful?), a previous managing director of Mark’s and Spencer. He described the difference Mindfulness can make in political debate. After learning Mindfulness together, some of the heat comes out of the conflict and aggression. There’s a bit more fellow feeling, and collaboration becomes a bit more possible.
The changes may be slight – but even in the ruthless world of politics, Mindfulness is making a difference.