Are you looking for a way to reduce your stress levels, while managing a busy workload and maintaining high levels of effectiveness? Would you also like to find more enjoyment in your work and life?
If so, Brief Mindfulness could be for you. The next on-line training courses start on Tuesday 20th May and Thursday 18th September.
But why Mindfulness? What’s the relevance for Solutions Focus practitioners? And what’s this about “Brief” Mindfulness?
Mindfulness and SF
I’ve been using Mindfulness since 1989, and Solutions Focus since 1992 – they fit very well together. For example, the SF idea of “Beginner’s Mind” is essentially the same as a mindful mind. As an SF practitioner, you set aside your own story so that your client’s aspirations, resources and potential can unfold. That’s mindfulness. The more mindfully you pay attention, the more your clients benefit.
In the last couple of years I’ve been experimenting with using Mindfulness in a coaching context. What has emerged is “Rapid Stress Reduction:” 30 minute coaching sessions that combine SF and Mindfulness to produce some dramatic results. For examples, see Before the Cabaret, From Fear to Joy, and Summary of Results.
If you like statistics: 95% of people report getting into a significantly more constructive relationship with the stressor. 80% report an immediate and significant stress reduction, and the average stress reduction reported is 53%.
Personal Benefits
Of course, Mindfulness also has some personal benefits. It’s best known for stress reduction – and the evidence suggests it does reduce stress by up to 30%, and anxiety by up to 70%.
Mindfulness offers a lot more than relaxation though: it gives a richer and more vibrant experience of life, at work and at play. Your life – just as it is – becomes more enjoyable. Increased awareness of oneself and others improves relationships, and gives various health benefits (e.g. increased immune function, better sleep).
Mindfulness also reduces distraction and mental clutter, making your mind clearer and more focused. That helps you get through work more quickly and easily – boosting your effectiveness as well as your well-being.
Brief Mindfulness is specifically designed to fit in a busy life. For example, one of the key techniques can be done in just 30 seconds, without closing your eyes or changing your posture.
On-Line Training
So, I’m offering on-line training, with 6 week courses starting Tuesday May 20th and Thursday September 18th. What’s involved?
Mindfulness skills are quite subtle, and take time to learn, practice and integrate. To help with this, the course is divided into 6 weekly workshops. Each workshop lasts up to 2.5 hours, starting at 19.00 UK time / 20.00 European time / 15.00 Eastern USA, 11.00 Pacific USA.
Brief Mindfulness provides many ways to weave mindfulness into your everyday routine – but you will also need to set aside 10-20 minutes per day for specific mindfulness practice (that’s around 1% of your day!).
The training is live and interactive – as much as possible like a face-to-face training event, including learning in small groups and pairs. (I use Adobe Connect to facilitate this). I keep the group sizes small, so I can give everyone good levels of support and attention, and we can get to know each other as a group.
The investment for the course is US$675 / €500 / £400. This includes
- the 6 on-line live training sessions, with a maximum of 6 participants
- daily emails to remind and inspire (which people tell me they really appreciate)
- email support: I’m also very much available for email questions right through the course and beyond
There’s an early-bird offer: if you book by 7th May / 2nd September I’ll give you a free 1-1 coaching session, to use as you wish (e.g. to try out the Brief Mindfulness approach, for Rapid Stress Reduction of a particular stressor, or to catch up with a Brief Mindfulness session you’ve had to miss).
Here’s what some past participants have to say about Brief Mindfulness training:
Using Brief Mindfulness to “Reconnect” with the moment in 30 seconds is as effective as five minutes of conventional “breathing space” meditation, and a lot easier to slip into your day.
Kathryn Hicks, Clinical Psychologist, Cambridge
Immensely helpful – Mindfulness gives me much more ‘real time’ awareness of my thoughts and emotions. It also releases the creative part of my mind, and enables me to be more focused on the impact I’m seeking to achieve.
Paul Zollinger-Read, Chief Medical Officer, BUPA
Mindfulness has given me tools to relax, centre myself and stay in the right ‘frame of mind’, even in a busy and demanding workplace. Now I’m calmer and more able to focus on the things that matter, and bring all my energy to those issues. I am also better at dropping other issues without worrying about them. Mindfulness has helped create space in a busy life, and encouraged me to be the best I can be.
Richard Sage, Transformation Director at EDF Energy
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