SFCT Research Conference Click on a photo to see full-screen: SFCT President Kirsten Dierolf welcomes participants Mark McKergow settles everyone down Prof Dan Hutto discussed enactive and narrative practices- with Alan Turing keeping a watching brief Yasuteru Aoki came all the way from Japan to join us Janet Bavelas made a special visit to Europe to share her microanalysis work Applause – Aoki, Mark and Chris Iveson approve… Dan Hutto had many questions for speakers The English Institite for Sport were well represented and gave a poster Mark McKergow liked that one! Brian Littlechild, Professor of Social Work at UH, chairs a session Time for the ‘seventh inning stretch’ between speakers Damian Griffiths gives the latest research on Signs of Safety Jonas Wells, Paul Z Jacksin and Kirsten Dierolf debate in the coffee break Chris Marshall and Tim Pitt from eis2win.co.uk Prof Gale MIller spoke passionately about the work of Kenneth Burke Michael Hjerth ponders a question Steve Smith starts his paper Steve Smith speaking about hermaneutics, Gadamer and ‘the grand and the minute’ Jonas Wells asks a question Mark is on the verge of surrendering Klaus Schenck and Trish Chilton listen hard Prof David Weber from the University of North Carolina Wilmington Steve Flatt sets out the case for and against IAPT Dominic Bray looks for a non-painful way of main management Vicky Bliss on SF and clinical formulations Svea ven der Hoorn, South Africa Trish Chilton asks – Stephan Natynczuk and Jen Unwin look on The EIS team’s excellent poster Sharon Dyke’s poster was about SF and recovery with charity Milestones Dominik Godat looks at how SF and leadership work together