Welcome to this resources page for the “Brief Introduction to Brief Mindfulness” course.
Course Manual
- You’ll get the course manual on paper on the day – but if you prefer it in digital form, you can download it here.
- (By the way, you’re also very welcome to download another copy of the manual from Part 1 of the course, from here.)
Defusing a Stressor
- You can download the worksheet for defusing a stressor and instructions for how to use it.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation
- 10 minute guided body scan
Want to download instead?
Background Material
- “Alive at Work!” – This free 9 page download introduces you to Brief Mindfulness in a work context. It’s based around 3 short examples of Brief Mindfulness in action – how Ed, Alicia and Keith handle a high stakes meeting, an interdepartmental conflict and a bank robbery! You’ll learn 3 ways to reduce stress, that increase enjoyment, boost effectiveness and take less than a minute. You’ll find it here
- The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris is an excellent introductory book on Mindfulness – it’s fun, vivid and practical. (Brief Mindfulness draws significantly on the ACT approach that this book is based on.) Here’s the amazon link.
- Russ Harris on You Tube talks about mindfulness in a very natural and down to earth way in this interview.
- Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World – another excellent and readable introductory book, by Professor Mark Williams of Oxford University. Here’s the amazon link.